Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Beamish's 2015 Sountrack

My son has really blossomed this year.  While, he is still innocent in many ways, he is also beginning to understand that the world is a complex place that is not black and white. He's in a beautiful place right now: happy, empathetic, generous.

As he has broaden his horizon, he has discovered music of his own that he likes.  Because he is who he is, finding a song he likes means that he will sing it endlessly.  I'm okay with that because I like Imagine Dragons.

No end-of-year soundtrack for Beamish would be complete without something about Minecraft.  There are a number of Minecraft parody songs, so I'll just choose one.  Einie, mennie, minie, moe...

Finally, 2015 was the year in which my son discovered racism.  At school, he experienced a micro-aggression that other kids handled.  He had no idea what had just happened to him. Then, on a computer game he likes to play, Agr.io, he encountered the n-bomb.   We have had many discussions since both of these events.  We have talked about racist and bigoted terms about other groups of people, though not all of them - yet.  For this seminal event, this Depeche Mode song seems appropriate.

Visit tomorrow to see my musical take on the virtual world.

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