Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have been trying to figure out what I will do for the next year while I take a personal leave from my job. I am not sure that I want to find a small part-time job. I don't want to sit around and watch television everyday. I know that I want to write, so I started my own blog. It will give me a chance to write and work out my thoughts about the choices I have to make in the next year. I won't get into all of that today. The place isn't completely decorated, but that will all get done. I just want to roll out the welcome mat and see who shows up.


Family Man said...

Helloooooooo Toni.

Glad to see you've finally gotten your own blog. Now my question is will we be seeing pictures of the cutest kid around. :)

I've got you bookmarked and I'll be dropping by often.

Teacher Toni said...

Welcome FM. Glad to have you stop by! I'll work on those pictures, just as soon as I figure how all of this works.

Family Man said...

Hey Toni if you need any help on setting it up, just shoot out the questions. I'll be happy to, and I know everyone else will be happy to help out.

Knucklehead said...

Congrats on your new endeavor.
I was in the line to the tunnel many years ago.
I`ve seen you at BT for a few years & stopped here to encourage you with this blog.
If I can be of help give me a shout.
You can check out what I did at my blog, (mostly photography). All images are clickable, including the header.
I change title colors with every post. Once you get the hang of navigating the paths to how you want your blog to work, it takes only mins. to change content, in the different fields.

Knucklehead said...

You said it.

Indianadem said...

Hi teacher toni and congrats on your new blog! I'm hoping to have one too someday, when I'm retired like family man;-)

Teacher Toni said...

Hey Kuncklehead. Thanks for visiting and the encouragement. I appreciate it.

Teacher Toni said...

Hi there indianadem. Thanks for stopping by. I'm retired for the year, so I might as well keep busy, when I am not chasing Andrew around.

AndiF said...

Hi Toni. Congrats on the new blog.

A year off will certainly give lots and lots of time to post pictures of Andrew. :)

Teacher Toni said...

Hey Andi! Thanks for the well wishes. I'll get some pictures up just as soon as I figure all of this out.

Future Teacher said...

Hi! I just found your blog and I have enjoyed reading your posts. I just started a new blog myself: I am working on my Bachelor's Degree while trying to survive working in a doctor's office.