Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What's next?

Proposal 2 did not pass last night.  I spent the early part of the day, freezing my toes numb, talking to voters outside the precinct.  I worked from seven until about 2:30, when my back could no longer handle it.  I'm glad I did it, though; that type of work makes me feel alive.

Now that collective bargaining is not constitutionally protected (but anti-gay marriage is) in Michigan, what does it mean?  I don't know, but I don't have a good feeling about the future of education in the state.  I am worried that "right-to-work" legislation will pass in a heartbeat. A bill like that will financially choke the unions, as many teachers in a variety of districts, mine in particular, have taken pay cuts. We still have the threat of a charter school over our heads heads at my school and I am quite certain the for-profit company that were to take over would fire anyone for organizing activity.  Maybe I should go down a rebel. The idea is appealing.

Or, I can start to formulate Plan B - a career change at the age of 45. This is a scary prospect, but one I cannot dismiss.  Perhaps the universe is sending me a sign to take a chance on something new.  I have to gather my wits and figure out my qualifications for anything.  I am certain I must have marketable skills.

In the meantime, I will continue to try and impress some agent with my book. And, of course, I will continue to teach to the best of my ability.

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