Saturday, April 25, 2009

My evil plot

I do not like lawns. Expanses of suburban green squares. If it were solely up to me, our lawn would disappear under rocks, ferns, and flowers. I have repeatedly made this suggestion, pointing out how we would no longer need to water and cut. To be honest, our front yard is very small and mowing it takes all of about 15-20 minutes. But, still, that's 15-20 minutes that could be spent doing something more enjoyable. My husband is NOT on board. Therefore, I must proceed in small increments.

I am a less than novice gardener, so I take bits of advice from many resources. For this little project, I used an idiot-proof book called The Way We Garden Now, by Katherine Whiteside. This is the second time I've checked this book out from the library and I find her directions for projects to be undestandable and realistic.

I started today by plotting out a small strip for a flower bed, along the walk from the driveway to the porch. In the spring, this area gets a ton of sun because the leaves on the trees have not yet come in. It will be perfect for tulips, daffodils, etc. In the summer, It gets filtered light, so I foresee ferns and maybe some hostas. I hammered six stakes into the ground and tied string around them to mark off the area. I didn't measure, I just eye-balled the dimensions. That was a deliberate choice; I want the area to look more natural and less manicured. I then attempted to cut the grass as short as possible. Unfortunately, the lawn mower handle was broken, so I didn't cut the grass as short as I should have. I soaked the grass and laid newspapers on top of the wet ground. Today is extremely windy, so I had to scrounge to find rocks to keep the paper in place. Next, I soaked the newspapers and then laid a weed barrier on top. This is the step I am not sure is going to work. The store I went to this morning sold only a biodegradable paper weed barrier. That sound good, except I'm not sure that it will last long enough to kill the grass underneath. I'm pretty sure that I'll have to find a woven weed barrier that I'll be able to use a few times. I soaked the weed barrier and voila, in about a month, I should have a spot for low light flowers and ferns.


Family Man said...

Hi Toni.

I do not like lawns.You and I are kindred spirits. I would go so far as to say I hate lawns. :)

Whenever I was doing our lawn, it would be all day just getting the lawn mowed and the weed eating done. Of course if I saw a snake anywhere, any lawn work for that day (usually for that week) was over. If I had my way I would concrete in the whole thing and never worry about it again.

I hope your "Evil Plot" succeeds.

Hope you and the family are doing fine.

Take care

Teacher Toni said...

Hi FM!

We don't have snakes in our grass, unless you count me. Growing up, we had a huge yard. My brother and I split the duties.

We're good. Hope you are well.

olivia said...

Hi Toni, hi FM!

Toni ... exciting. :) I hope you'll post some pix of your progress.

Teacher Toni said...

Hi Olivia. I certainly will post some pictures.