Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer in the City

Today was Andrew's last day of Junior Kindergarten. It has been such an eventful year, I am kind of glad that it is behind us. His report card showed us everything that last week's assessment showed us, so it was a bit anti-climatic.

The question becomes what will happen for the next two months. Of course, Andrew will get some old-fashioned summer school work, thanks to having two parents who are teachers. We have no money, so there will be no vacation.

I still have some personal goals to accomplish. There are the last 5-8 pounds to drop. I imagine that my visits to the gym will increase to about four days/nights a week. I still have a ton of writing to do on my "book." Next week is the start of a writing class, so that will give me a conducive work environment.

I have to get ready for school and I don't even know what I am teaching. I have to get ready for Student Council and I haven't even contacted my new officers. This last month has been such a haze and maze of Andrew-centric activity that I have let the ball drop in other areas.

I have the new goal of not getting lost in Andrew's diagnosis. I still need to go out and have fun and be me. I'm trying to convince some people to go to Long Island to see a certain singer (GT) in September. I have to keep vigilant to simply be a mom who happens to have a child with autism, not the Autistic Kid's mom.

That's enough to keep me busy for a while.

1 comment:

cteach said...

You are right about not getting lost in Andrew's diagnosis. Autism varies so much from child to child that you really do not know what to expect. My MIL always called special needs children "children of grace". I am sure that it is hard to see the other kids shout out "I love you" when you are waiting for that to happen. But, as a parent of a special needs child you will value those moments even more, and gives you a point of view many of us do not get.