Saturday, November 2, 2013

I'm still tired, but a whole lot better.

I've now been on an anti-depressant for about three weeks and I figure it's time for a brief up-date.

On the negative side, my sleep is still a bit erratic and I tire out pretty quickly.  That has interfered with my plans to exercise more, but I'll figure it out.

On the plus, I feel calmer.  I am not having enormous mood swings. I am not dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings.  My body and brain have been able to let them go.

I find this to be amazing because the events in my world have been a mixed bag of crappy and good.  The district wants teachers to take a 10 percent pay cut.  The polyp that was removed during the colonoscopy  was pre-cancerous.  Before this medicine, I would have been mired in those two bad bits of news and been distraught beyond reason.  I am still worried about them. I am furious at the thought of yet another pay cut, but I'm not dwelling on it and simmering in my anger.

I am glad to be taking this medicine.


Voice In the Wilderness said...

I had a pre-cancerous polyp too. The one year followup showed none. The three year follow up showed two begin (non pre-cancerous) polyps.

Don't let it get you down. It doesn't mean anything more than they found it and they got it. You follow up in a year, just in case. If you have another in a year, they will take it out and monitor closely. You are doing the right thing and it's not the end of the world.

Voice In the Wilderness said...

Grrr! Benign, of course, not begin. Teacher should whack me with a ruler!

Teacher Toni said...

Thanks Wilderness!