Monday, August 15, 2011

Thing 14

As I mentioned in the previous post, I have had a Delicious account for a couple of years now. What prompted that move was a dying computer. I wanted desperately to save my bookmarks and somewhere, probably NPR, I had heard about Delicious, so I checked it out and it saved me many tears.

My username is TeacherToni (very original - don't you think?). I think I can use Delicious in my teaching by sharing my links with my students on my newly formed Wiki. Of course, I might need to arrange them so that only my school related links are public. Currently, all of my links are public only because I hadn't thought to make any of them private. It's not as if I have salacious sites saved to my Delicious account.

Does it enhance my productivity? I think so, it cuts down on my Google time because I've saved so many useful sites. Again, unlike clutter in my living room, my virtual clutter is out-of-control. I don't see it, so I think about it less. Just another job on the neverending to do list.

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